ASBESTOS CONSULTANCY SERVICES : Asbestos Survey, Asbestos Removal, Asbestos Management

Project management of asbestos removal in Hong Kong, China, Asia

Management of in-situ asbestos containing materials. Provision of Asbestos Management Plans

The team has undertaken asbestos consultancy services in Hong Kong, China and elsewhere in Asia for the past 20 years for a wide range of clients including Government, architects, engineers and developers. Since 1997 over 1,600 asbestos contracts have been completed: involving inspection, abatement, and in-situ management in more than 5,000 premises. Asbestos containing materials are identified, survey and abatement reports produced, and asbestos removal work supervised. Project management includes : vetting of contractors; appointment ; liaison with Government ; site surveillance and audit; liaison with air testing laboratory, and final inspection checks.
Examples of sites surveyed for asbestos and subsequent supervision of asbestos removal include: housing estates; schools, colleges and universities; hotels; hospitals and clinics; residential/commercial properties; airports, shopping malls; incinerator plants; road tunnels; ships; dockyards; trains; industrial estates, and rural land plots/villages.
As well as preparing specifications for asbestos removal, Aspec also prepare and implement Asbestos Management Plans for the surveillance and management of in-situ asbestos containing materials.
The issue of asbestos and China
The issue of asbestos and China
Aspec advises premises owners to be aware of the continued manufacture and use of asbestos containing products in China and take precautions to control their introduction into your premises
The continued production and marketing of asbestos containing products has created problems in factories and ships operating in China. Cases have included asbestos cloth being marketed for welding / fire blankets and similar uses, asbestos in compressed non-woven plant gasket sheeting, friable pipe and acoustic/fire insulation materials and prefabricated building products such as roof and wall panels.
Items manufactured in China for export can include asbestos containing material without the importers, or even the manufacturers, knowledge - cases have included building products, ships and trains exported to countries with strict asbestos bans. Independent testing of products is advisable.
Asbestos in Hong Kong is highly regulated by both the Environmental Protection Department and the Labour Department. They include many asbestos resources on their websites:
Asbestos in Hong Kong
Need advice or help with a suspected asbestos issue in Hong Kong? Download our 'Frequently Asked Questions' report (Adobe pdf) or contact us directly.